Tag Archives: curcol

I really, really needs help. A.S.A.P

saya benar-benar mentoookk~ sebenernya ga mentok juga sih. ==” udah 3 hari saya berkutat sama tu FF, tapi kayaknya storyline “Can you be mine…” nyumpel di arteri otak saya, tanpa bisa mengalir xDDD

ada yang bisa tolong saya?? saya butuh any ballad/slow/romantic/sad love song (english ones) ^^ kenapa harus sad?? karena saya suka Angst. I know we all do. 🙂

Mungkin saya ga seharusnya bikin 3 part terakhir itu duluan. ahahha. ga sistematis si yaaa…

sebenernya part selanjutnya udah jadi separo… tapi pas tak baca ulang–> $$%&*@!! –> Are you sure to delete this one? –> Delete. kebanyakan aksi penyiksaan yang saya sendiri ga tega nulisnyaa~ xDDD

oh.saya suka lirik lagu ini!

And if our love was a story book, we would meet on the very first page. The last chapter would be about how I’m thankful for the life we’ve made.

Kurang lebih gitu pokoknya xDD. like i’ve said too many times before: any ideas are accepted!! 😀

Victoria teaser:

there it is. that hurt look in his face. i can stand it no more. maybe everything i do, or said is hurting him. should I just stop?

He reminds me so much of him. His smile, his serene looks, even the way he told me that he would protect me. what is this feeling?

Wahahaha~ i’m just an evil like that! ^^